Thursday 13 June 2013


Hello and welcome to my blog.

Generally I think a lot and have a lot of opinions so I decided with the influence of friends like Danielle (@LovelyChubly)and Milky (@milky_milkerson) to create this blog. Here I shall publish my opinions about stuff that interests me such as what is coming out in the music world, as well as gigs I am going too (I shall review Green Day's gig at the Emirates on June 1st very soon), probably along with rants about how I think the industry is currently too generic. I shall also write about sport in general giving my opinion within happenings in different sports, although being a big Liverpool fan there is a section to read all my Liverpool posts when they are sent.

I will also post about my life, this may include rants, possibly about people that have annoyed me, things that are happening that could effect me or others I know. But believe me there are some people and some things that can get on my nerves enough for me to absolutely go, this would be called a Super Rant! Being in Nottingham and not near my friends will also be something this blog may well go into as I count down the days till Reading Festival 2013 and the return to Plymouth to continue a degree in a house which mainly contains close friends who go to the University and the odd one to make up the numbers!

So enjoy my blog and please visit again as it shall be updated regularly!



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