Thursday 13 February 2014

Finally I'll admit it....Liverpool CAN win the league!

It was 8.30pm on May 25th 2005. Hope was gone, happiness seemed far away, the fear of going out in a Liverpool shirt the next day or showing my face to Chelsea and United fans had kicked in. Yep, Liverpool were on course for a record defeat in the Turkish Capital City Istanbul. My sister proceeded to do a victory dance as she found the score. We all knew it was a forgone conclusion, as I said I wanted to watch them lose the final "like a man" trying to hold back the tears of frustration, disappointment, unmet hope. AC Milan were going to win their 7th Champions League and fair play to them, they'd destroyed Liverpool. As the Liverpool fans walked out for the second half, where we all knew they'd carry on receiving a beating, on the TV set, you could only hear one set of fans and they were singing You'll Never Walk Alone, fans that had spent thousands on seeing this final, hoping for the fifth European Cup, already, at half time, facing going home seeing a record final defeat. 

But that is what it means to be a Liverpool fan. Unlike any other fan in England, the Liverpool fans will stick behind their team. The travelling kop will always try to pick that team up. And this is where it all changed. Somehow deep down, if you listen to the men that played that match, the inspiration of hearing those fans sing that song and realisation of how many people were willing them to do something in the match back at home and across the globe inspired them to at least put it all into the second half. That's when it all changed...

Nine minutes into the second half, the ball flew into the box and the greatest Liverpool player in the premier league era,Steven Gerrard, got his head to the ball, sending it past Dida. Was there hope? Probably now, but at least there was a consolation, making it easier to go to school the next day and put up with the jibes of Liverpool's defeat. But then, just as that was going through my head Smicer scored a cracker. We were back in it...We COULD win the European cup! Okay we were still outsiders but then....PENALTY. Alonso had to score for Liverpool to do it, but it was saved. But on a night where everything had gone wrong until a few minutes earlier the rebound appeared at Alonso's feet and the game was suddenly 3-3. Liverpool had come back. The rest they say is history. History that many a Liverpool fan has on DVD. History that many a Liverpool fan can use to this day when it comes to their chances this season. 

For Liverpool have been written off by many yet again. Maybe initially with good reason, the Liverpool under Roy Hodgson, Kenny Dalglish and the first months of Brendan Rodgers showed little fight, little spirit. They would go a goal down and look dejected, accepting defeat. That was not the Liverpool I fell in love with, the Liverpool I adored. It was far from it. Liverpool did their talking on the pitch, but not now as off the pitch politics such as Hicks and Gillet, Fernando Torres' sudden departure and the debacles of Luis Suarez were the main talking points. Only one man remains from those teams Liverpool fans fell in love with in 2001 and 2005. Steven Gerrard and besides from Jamie Carragher, Gerrard was the only player over those years who looked as frustrated, as disappointed with the team as I (and I'm sure many other fans) felt. But again it's changed, the old Liverpool teams spirits seems to have finally been unearthed by current manager Brendan Rodgers and his men.

On Saturday Liverpool beat Arsenal 5-1 at Anfield, but really, the result that shows how Liverpool have moved onwards from the past few years and back to a team comparable with that of the team at Istanbul that famous afternoon was the 3-2 win at Craven Cottage. That was MY Liverpool, they were back. Not because of the performance over the 90 minutes, defensively we were not at all at the races, but there was fight, and not just any fight. The fight was undying. At no point in the match did the team drop their heads and settle for a loss or a draw. And it happened. Sturridge got into the box, where he was bought down. Liverpool had a penalty to bring the win back home. Standing up, knowing what the penalty meant to the clubs chances of a top four push I could barely watch as Gerrard stood up to take it. Not willing to put my hopes up I convinced myself the great man would miss the penalty. However the net rippled! The ball was in. Liverpool had done it. Relief, excitement, joy. Feelings that sometimes only football can give you. But one that hadn't been there for a long while also came back with that goal. The feeling of belief. 

Belief that there is actually a chance this could be Liverpool's year. Why though. Surely Chelsea and City have bought (that being the chosen word) the better and stronger squads. Surely they have the better players. This is where I both agree and disagree with people who claim this. Liverpool right now have the best strike force in England and one of the best 5 in Europe. Suarez and Sturridge are comparable to strike forces like Bale, Ronaldo and Benzema, Messi, Sanchez and Pedro, Cavani and Ibra, Aguero and Negredo. They also have one of the best players to have graced the planet in my lifetime. Not just by playing but sheer presence, leadership and support. Steven Gerrard. Any team with Steven Gerrard is a better team. The spirit and passion that man can just simply inject into a team is phenomenal. He is quite simply an astonishing man when it comes to his influence even when his game is having an off day. And then there is his passing ability. The pass to Sturridge last night was just simply a world class assist. And for the first time in a long long time, you feel that Gerrard has the right team around him, the first time since at least the 2008/09 season. 

Liverpool also have another thing many teams lack. The freedom and fearlessness of youth. Players like Sterling and Flannagan right now don't fear losing, but crave winning. It comes with the age. And more players like this are being injected into the team and they're good. They're not run of the mill. Flannagan and Sterling are future England internationals, I'd go as far to say, unless something goes wrong, they're future England starters. Flannagan has looked as good as the recent England number one right back, Glen Johnson who will now struggle to get his place back. Sterling is as good as any other fast English winger right now and could easily be a wildcard for Brazil. There's also Coutinho who is a technically outstanding player and is only of the age of 21. Some people may argue that he can be played out of some games due to a lack of strength, but then there are times when he makes something remarkable happen.

But what do Liverpool need to win the league? Well they need that fight, but that fight comes with spirit. Spirit we are seeing more and more of. The teams united. There are no divides. At teams like City and Chelsea this feels less of the case. The Mata saga for instance at Chelsea. Players who feel like they should be in the first team not wanting to accept the bench as their fate. Both clubs have more big personalities. Yes Liverpool have the leader Gerrard and then Suarez. But Liverpool have worked to accustomise the personality of Luis Suarez (and to an extent Daniel Sturridge) into the whole team. There is no unrest. The players know their roles and they know they're all very important to the cause. From a player who currently more of a bench player like Aspas and Alberto to the rotation players such as Toure to the starters like Henderson, Suarez and Sturridge. They know their place, the spirit. For the first time in years I can say This Is Liverpool and boy, does it feel good to have them back! 

External factors also exclaim why Liverpool can win the league. Chelsea, City and Arsenal all have European ties, big European ties. It's a distraction from the tightest race for the league in years. Liverpool don't have that this season. So if there is a chance to knock over the big spending teams City and Chelsea maybe that time is now. One thing is sure. Chelsea and City fans will be left embarrassed if Liverpool come from here to win the league with a team including players like Jon Flannagan of the youth academy and Raheem Sterling.

Whether or not they win a trophy this season and whether or whether not they're in the Champions League next season, one thing I know is that the fans, they will sing the names of the players, the songs of the team. As a Liverpool fan, one thing you know you will do is that you will stick behind the team. And right now it's far easier as they're on the up!

So here you go, after writing Liverpool off all season, so not to get my hopes up amongst these reasons. I now will happily admit. This Liverpool team CAN win the Barclays Premier League, even if it's an outside shot, a low percentage of probability. This team can win it! This season could be that year. But even if this season isn't, this Liverpool team, they're to stay. 

If you keep an eye on this blog, the next Liverpool post will be about Brendan Rodgers. How #RodgersOut turned to #RodgersIn. Featuring a mention of David Moyes and Manchester United!

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