Thursday, 5 June 2014

Why are schools suddenly becoming extremist?

Three years ago now, I left Bideford College with some promising qualifications. I admit many of us had been annoyed at the Governments syllabus for subjects, English and Maths stand out for me with their old fashioned books and trigonometry, part of Maths I don't think I will ever see the point of. I believe some people got more annoyed by the rules the headteacher had power sending out, but really the one that stands out was probably no headphone or earphone policy that was implemented, unsuccessfully at the time* in my GCSE years.
Now however I turn on BBC News to find out Islamic extremists are infiltrating our schools. And I can reveal the reason why, a thing that I have always been against in the "evolution" of schools and that is in fact academies.

Academies are negative for schooling., even if the old state schools needed a kick in the teeth, this was not the right way to do it, allowing investment into schools and a different style of curriculum that is decided by those funding it is wrong. Schools should all have the same rules for what they learn in subjects such as science and religious education to stop this, but the way academies are given a free roam means they can abuse their power. This doesn't just apply for the religion of Islam either, the religion of Christianity can do this just as bad with creationism in both religions beliefs as they share parts of the Old Testament. In fact, the religions are not all that different with their views. Maybe forms of Christianity have moved on, in fact they have, the same can go for Islam, but you can still find people from both religions who follow their religious books word by word and therefore will believe that creationism is how the world started, that men are above women and that not believing in these words will send you straight to hell when you die, regardless of what you do with your life.

It is these people that can come in and challenge the minds of our young people in this country, that can try to make them believe this, whether is be creationism or even more concerning from what I have read, that the man can have sex with his wife whenever she wants, regardless of what she says (something that was wiped out of British law only in 1992, in the case R v R at the House of Lords). Without academies and with 100% properly qualified teachers working inside of schools, sticking on the whole to a syllabus for the subject, this can be combated. The only things that have failed these last few years are the Government and Michael Gove who have failed to see this.

Despite just having finished it, education is one of the points I care most about when it comes to next years General Election, as I believe we are at a huge risk of seeing the standards of our children's education enter a decline, not because of how extremists are coming in, but how general people are able to come in and make the syllabus favour them. We need to see state regulation, even if it did need some evolving back in my day maybe to help people of different talents, but that was one of the reasons for schools specialising in a specific subjecy, something which in a City like Birmingham was brilliant as a child in the catchment area for two schools could have seen his or her choice of school picked by the specialised subject if they were stronger at one. The other reason that concerns me is the funding disparities between academies and schools as I mentioned when discussing the Route 39 Academy in North Devon.

If I am to go to a hustings in the build up for the next election, which I shall make the best efforts to attend (maybe a few in different seats I care about) then education, the NHS and Legal Aid are things I shall be wanting to ask about, with the first two taking the priority.

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