Monday, 17 February 2014

From Awesome and Perfect to Cheap and Tacky.

This post was kinda based on a lot of incidents in the last 24 hours. And this post is gonna be disliked by many, however it is my opinion and if there is one thing I'll never do it's hide my opinion. Yes this post may have been triggered, to be honest it almost appeared yesterday but now seems a more than relevant time for me to write this. Maybe it'll spark a debate. In which case, good. Although I'm mentioning no names, I know some people will think they know who I'm talking about. You're probably right. But to be honest, I don't care, because apparently I'm an "arsehole". So to some people, I shall live up to that definition of myself from last night!

Relationships come and go. That is a reality in life. Some won't work out. That's fair enough. You tried, you gave it a go and it didn't work. And with the majority of these cases it's just that it didn't work. A lot of these it's then not that hard to gradually reform a friendship. But then there are others, ones where people don't properly respect their partner, sleep around and lose the right to have a relationship. I've seen people, who have lost trust for the opposite gender because of this sort of thing. 

I'm one of these people. I've seen the most awesome, perfect person (in my eyes) turn into the most cheap and tacky person. And how do I have time for them then? But it's not just one person. And it's not all because of what once happened when I was close to this person. But what's happened afterwards. In all honesty, for me, as a heterosexual male, it was finding out that after some of the stuff that happened the same person had now slept around far easier than anything that person was like when I knew her, that made me think cheap and tacky. The girl that I originally met respected herself and that was one of the great things about her. The girl that I get the perception of now, especially from her twitter feed, doesn't respect herself, claims guys are all the same (apparently we do all the fucking over? That's ironic...). But this post isn't about one person, that's just a personal example. 

Then these people, they then sleep around easy. I remember hearing how many a person had had since. Instantly I found that person far more unattractive. And considering where that person was once in my opinion that's saying something. It hurt to find out that they had become like that. They had made themselves what I can only describe as common. 
So basically the jist of this part of my post is, it isn't cool to sleep around, whatever the excuse. To look for what you once had with someone else is a common excuse, but it's still not a reason. You're never gonna find someone the same, emotionally or in bed as someone else however many people you shag, date at the same time, get with in a nightclub. I'm sure you get it.

Also all of this can gain you a reputation, regardless of if people find you attractive, if you get a reputation for being "easy" people are not going to try to get with you because you're attractive. People actually will be looking for a quick shag with no strings and see you as a perfect option. Unfortunately that's how it goes. There are people of both genders who will look for a quick shag, even if girls claim it's always men and that they're always the victim. That's another general perception. But if you make yourself seem easy, you're not gonna attract the sort of people at aren't going to "fuck you over" and that's your doing. You've made yourself seem cheap, common, tacky. You've put yourself in this situation and once you've put yourself here it's incredibly different to change the perception of yourself that you have created. Even if you make an excuse like some guy has screwed you over or something, it's not gonna work. You just have to deal with it by actually showing yourself some respect and not going for that.

So yeah, because I've wrote this in two sessions, it may not make sense and I may have to do a follow up to this. However I feel I have got most of the point about this. Be awesome and perfect to one person or wait for that person (although I'm not saying find one relationship and it'll definitely last forever, I'm saying wait for someone you want a relationship with at the time) rather than cheap and tacky and going around. In the long run, it'll be much better.

If you have an opinion with this then yeah, leave a comment below. Tell me what you think. Do you agree? Disagree? Why? 

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