So generally this has led to me deciding I shall tackle the issue of bullying on my blog. Especially when it comes to bullying in schools.
Generally when you go to school, or at least if you had went to my school you could see bullying happening every day and anybody could be bullied if the right people turned against you. The right people weren't even those with hope after school in most cases, but they were those who had little hope. In year 8, I remember being one of those people that the "right" people turned against. This seemingly happened after I had reported one of these people had assaulted one of my good friends after a PE lesson. To be honest what he did looking again at the injuries would have seen him possibly behind bars (it's not like he eventually ended up there...) for at least a Section 47 offence, the school should have excluded him, but for some strange reason they gave him another chance, before giving him what must have been another 25 last chances at least (but then what do you expect when they were more bothered about a nice new building than the wellbeing of their students half of the time?). With the months that followed I can understand what lows bullying can give you, your friends can easily be turned against you and different people will always snap in different ways. However all of this was before really before the rise of technology. Okay Bebo was there and I remember some girls being told off for having a nice little bitch-fest on Bebo at some point around this time by the school as well as an attempt to stop students using the website, however I didn't really use these websites back then myself.
Technology, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or especially this means that bullying from school can basically go inside your home. Your home is where you are meant to feel safe and away from the rubbish in the outside world. It may sound sad but when I was bullied, I'd go home, I may seem low I remember my parents saying but I could get home for a weekend, watch Liverpool in that seasons FA Cup (which they won!) or Doctor Who and just forget the world. I could play my own taste of music, if I talked to anybody I could be selective regarding who I decided to talk to from home. It was a safe haven. Albeit getting up for school with all of it going on was hell. And I'd count the hours till I could get home and the days till the holiday. So imagining if I couldn't get away from it, if I went home turned on my PC and found more abuse, it must have been horrible. I did have MSN, but there was a block button, there is no block button on People can also ask anomalously on it too. I can only guess the questions people who were bullied by the same thugs as me would get if they were 7 or 8 years younger and where it would push them too. It often was people with prospects they'd bully, them or the people that may seem a bit "strange", maybe geeky people, people with a low temper. I remember one person walking through the school site to get to a lesson after lunch and three of these low life's walking up to him with crisps in their mouths and spitting it at him. Honestly, this person was a person who it was "unpopular" to like and I was just fed up of trouble with them, as much as I hated them (and still blamed the school for not excluding at least one of these people when he clearly should have been, but I'm not writing a post to discuss what my head teacher did wrong in my opinion, I'd be here all day!) I just walked past and ignored it. To this day when I think back to this I feel like I was in a way one of the bullies. It immediately made me feel sick, it was one of the lowest forms of humiliation I had ever watched and I had walked past and what had I done? Fuck all. And those people that ignored and went on with it, well we were all the bullies. At the time when somebody needed a friend, or needed to be stood up for, but had already lost the confidence from years of torment from these people, many of us walked past and not one stood up for him. Not one would be seen asking if he was okay. Nobody even reported it. We just all watched it happen. Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but if you watch somebody get humiliated like that and you do nothing, you're just helping the person get bullied. If you help them, whether it be like nowadays when they're bullied online (I kind of have a perception that a lot of this is girls, and then the physical actually physical bullying, whether it be a punch, threats or spitting crisps at a person is most commonly guys, if you disagree with this perception, please comment) or bullied in a face to face physical concept then you are essentially offering the person some hope. Believing there is no hope at all, to the extent where you decide to attempt to end your own life must be a horrible thing, yet if we didn't stand there and let it happen then maybe it wouldn't. If we didn't give a damn about our friends popularity and actually stood by them rather than disown them at least publicly as a friend then we'd be giving people at pretty low moments some hope.
It's horrible to see in the news that somebody has taken their own life due to bullies and we always say "we need to do something" to the extent that we don't. And it has to change. We need a zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullies. My school gave these people chance after chance. They can't have this. The people they bullied don't suddenly get left alone if the bully returns the next day because somebody has had a chat with the them. And offering to put a bully on some register isn't a way to stop bullying, there needs to be a substantial punishment. Besides when it came to that, they didn't offer me the chance to put the main bully on the register, just my friend who at that time had just conformed to the main bully. I wouldn't put him on, but the other, should have been, mind you, he should still be in her majesties pleasure for something completely unrelated. Maybe that's another failure.
On the whole, don't let somebody suffer from bullying, don't let them hit the low where they consider their own life. But help them, stand up for them and give them hope. Does it really matter if they're fat, if they're a stick, if they have a different taste or merely that they have the guts to stand up to the group of people where the bully(s) come from. Don't let another person like Izzie finish their own lives because of some idiots.
RIP Izzie Dix & Hannah Smith.
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