Yes I'm back home now and my sister didn't murder me for my typing in the car yesterday, so all is well! I'm sure you will all be celebrating this like the Italians celebrated when they won the 2006 FIFA World Cup (driving around just tooting that horn with flags dragging from the cars, gathering in squares and celebrating together)!
And to make this news even better, my iMac is back from Plymouth and I've set it up again! In fact I'm writing this blog from it now! I have also discovered that I downloaded GTA Vice City, Cricket Captain and Tomb Raider on it. How AWESOME is that?! Gonna keep me going when I've finally finished The Last Of Us...which is an amazing game, so buy it if you have a PS3, if you don't get a PS3 and the game, that is how good it is! I will compile a review of it when I have completed the game and had a bash at multiplayer so, clearly something to look forward to there guys!
So have you went on your computer/mac and found something that you're like "wow I forgot that!"? Or maybe on your games console or Sky Plus box, I seem to remember I found FIFA Street 3 on my 360, may it rest in peace. Now that gave some proper entertainment!
Also in other news, the most ambitious plan ever is going a step further, along with +Danièlle Owen, +Ryan Steppel and +Vikki Lamb I have been looking at a trip around the world visiting a host of places located across the continents. Because I would so definitely watch this on television I believe I have the pleasure to start to send emails to companies for coverage and sponsorship, to make this a reality. Also need funding because Mr Osbourne wants at least the 9kers in Uni to pay back quicker than they were meant to. Unfair right? Well this is a party which includes a lawyer who did 10 hours work and got 5k...I'd be happy is I could get this by working 100 hours! I mean if this was the case we'd be off on the trip when the year ends or the year after aha. But clearly watching 4 novices travel the world would be like, quite good to watch right? Comment below if you have an opinion on that.
And finally, what the hell, I looked at my phone in the car last night and Federer was in a tie break, which he lost, therefore losing the game. Wimbledon's gone strange. Not the same without Rafa and Roger. I shall now need to keep away from watching Murray cry or I'll end up wanting him to win and after all these years that is not good!
Anyway, I know this post is kinda rubbish, but please comment and tweet me and help me find something for tomorrow. I shall now leave you with a song, the first song I played on my Mac when I turned him on. By a headliner at Reading 2013 and no, it isn't that's Eminem!
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