Thursday 18 June 2015


Fuck it, fuck it all. What's the fucking point?

What I've been thinking with all the job rejections I manage to get together.

Honestly, I'm not going to cotton wool feelings on this now. I've had enough.

The country is fucked. I'm fucked. So are many of the country.

Do a Criminology degree. Look for chances. Entry level. Ways in. Apply for PCSO job, essentially the entry level of the police here. Get to the first stage, that of an interview? No? Fuck off.

Apply for Tesco's. A supermarket. Once? No. 42 times. 1 store? No. 6. 5 in Cardiff, 1 in Newport. Interview? No. Just a casual 42 rejections in 5 bloody minutes.

Other places? Yes. Over 800 applications. Nothing. Treated like a number, sent a rejection email with no reasons, no "this is why". Just a "we had a lot of applicants and we are not taking you forwards".

Would have more respect if these read "You're shit. Fuck off. Don't apply here ever again".

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